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Monday, April 23, 2012

Unjust Suffering

There are times we may feel that our sufferings are unjust.  Indeed, there may be others who inflict pain on us due to selfish reasons or for no good reason at all.  In fact we are all at times somewhat self-centered.

Unfortunately there are those who do inflict pain out of anger or even for the sheer "pleasure" of it (at the level of psychopathology).  The situation can become dangerous.  The Readings today depict as such when Stephen is being persecuted (and eventually will be stoned to death). 

What do we do?  Our tendancy is to protect ourselves, and this is a good thing.  But we have to be careful to use the proper safeguards.  For example, a wife who is suffering domestic abuse at the hands of a husband does not protect herself by staying in the abusive relationship.  She protects herself by removing herself from the situation until the situation is settled (if at all).  

It is important to remember that God does not want harm to come to us if at all possible.  Only in very rare situations is one called to be martyred for the faith like St. Stephen.  We are called to keep "cool heads" in times of danger, to remain calm under the face of fear with the full confidence that Christ is with us.  In this way we can adequately discern the situation and take the proper measures to face it.

Daily prayer and meditation helps one to arrive at such a disposition.  If we learn to sit quietly in a room for 10-20 minutes a day and not react to negative thoughts, then we allow the grace of God to fill our minds and souls with the daily wisdom needed for tough decisions.                

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