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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Baptismal Vows

The name popularly given to the renunciations required of an adult candidate for baptism just before the sacrament is conferred. In the case of infant baptism, they are made in the name of the child by the sponsors. It is obvious that these promises have not the theological import of vows properly so called. According to the Roman Ritual, at present in use, three questions are to be addressed to the person to be baptized, as follows: "Dost thou renounce Satan? And all his works? And all his pomps?" To each of these interrogations the person, or the sponsor in his name, replies: "I do renounce". The practice of demanding and making this formal renunciation seems to go back to the very beginnings of organized Christian worship.
To renounce what is evil is the beginning of the Christian life.  This implies that following Christ at times is "tough" (Mark 8:34-35)This blog is dedicated to the mystery of evil and human suffering with the Christian context.  This blog is also in honor of Father Stuart Long, a priest from Helena, Montana who is suffering daily (and dying) from a form of ALS.  Please pray for him.

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