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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Prepared to face Suffering

Holy Thursday in a sense is a preparation to face the difficulties of life.  During the first "Holy Thursday" Jesus knew he was going to face his cross.  He prepared for this by sharing a meal with his loved ones and personal prayer. 

There is a classic quote in the film Ben Hur when Messala states that the only way to “fight an idea” is with “another idea”.   Christ seems to be telling us that the only way to answer the mystery of suffering is with another mystery, the Eucharist.  Jesus laid for us the foundation for our own passion on Holy Thursday.  Through Mass and the Eucharist we are able to participate in Christ’s Paschal Mystery (Suffering, Death and Resurrection).  In this mystery we receive the graces and strength to persevere and endure (Heb. 4:14-16).

Commenting on Holy Thursday and the Triduum, Pope Benedict reminds us that Christ is able to endure his passion through Agape (Divine Love).  This allows him to overcome the abyss of evil and death.  Please refer to the link below:

Dr. Michael Barber from John Paul the Great University gives some more insight into the true meaning of Christ’s death and suffering on Holy Thursday.  Please refer to the link below:

The forgiveness of sins is foundational here.  Please refer to the following link by Fr. Joe Whalen on how the power of forgiveness can heal and strengthen us in our sin and suffering:

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