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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Doing the Impossible: Faith

If Christ can raise people from the dead and heal the paralyzed then He can do anything (as long as it is the will of His Father).

The question is do we really believe that this is possible, do we have faith?  The Bible defines faith this way: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).  In a world primarily dependent on the scientific method, where all facts must be tested and retested using observable, measurable evidence and empirical data, to claim that something as intangible as faith counts for both substance and evidence sounds ridiculous.  But that, at its core, is faith.

Through faith, the invisible becomes visible, the intangible becomes tangible.  Faith encompasses both this world and the next.  Through faith the reality of heaven becomes the reality on earth.  Faith thus enables us to share in the divine life of Christ.  In Hebrews 11 (and most places in the New Testament), faith is translated from the Greek word pistis, which can also be translated belief or assurance.  To have faith is to believe in God's omnipotence and trust Him.

What a way to live!  We should pray daily that Christ increase our faith so that we too may endure and overcome any pain or suffering in life.  Nothing is impossible with God.

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