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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


There is a line from the movie "Tombstone" where Doc Holliday (played by Val Kilmer) says that the outlaw Ringo has such a hole within him that, "He can never kill enough or steal enough or inflict enough pain to ever fill it."  

Emptiness of the soul can be our biggest cause of suffering.  No matter how it develops within us (through personal loss, emotional pain, broken relationships, etc...) we can never seem to fill it on our own.  Some, like Ringo might even resort to drugs, alcohol, or violence to replace the void, but to no avail.

In the Gospel today Jesus speaks of filling us up with himself, the only one who can truly satisfy.  Through receiving him in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Jesus does exactly that.  

St. Augustine once said, "You have made us for yourself O God, and our hearts are ever restless until they rest in you." 

Augustine recognized that we are all born with an innate desire to return to God.  Our mission in life is to fully reunite with Him, until this happens we will never be truly happy.     


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