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Monday, December 22, 2014

The Devil's Tactics

In any relationship, the best two ways to combat temptation to get annoyed with someone is to have patience and to talk about it. Both are easier said than done.

Patience is a virtue not easily acquired, but it is one of the most fundamental virtues to living a life of peace and holiness. Without patience, we would daily fight about the littlest things and the relationship would fall apart soon after the honeymoon.

Yet, patience by itself is never enough in a healthy relationship. “Patience” could easily turn someone into a doormat whereby the other person walks on them on a daily basis. That is why communication is a most necessary key to living a happy and joy-filled marriage (or any type of relationship for that matter). If you do not talk about the things that are annoying you, then it is impossible for the other person to possibly change or to recognize their behavior.
To continue the example of not picking up your clothes, at first you can have a little patience, allowing the other person some leeway room, but if it is something that is perpetually bothering you, it must be talked about. It is a habit the can be changed.

It will be up to the couple to discuss and communicate what habits can be changed and what things will require a perpetual practice of patience.Some habits are easier to deal with than others. However, once the topic is out in the open, it can’t fester beneath the surface and become a greater problem down the road. Open communication is the key.


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