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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Explaining Evil and Suffering/Interesting Perspective

Why would a benevolent, omnipotent God would allow such human tragedies as the Holocaust, World War I, and the bubonic plague?

"The problem here is that we are assuming that God's purpose is just to make us happy in this life, but on the Christian view that's false," Craig went on to say. "The purpose of life is not worldly happiness as such, but rather the knowledge of God. There may be many evils that occur in this lifetime that are utterly pointless with respect to producing worldly happiness, but they may not be pointless with respect to producing the knowledge of God and salvation and eternal life.

"It's possible that only in a world that is suffused with natural and moral evil that the optimal number of people would come to know God freely, find salvation, and eternal life," he continued. "So, the atheist would have to prove that there is another possible world that has this much knowledge of God and His salvation in it, but which is produced with less evils. How could He possibly prove that? It's pure conjecture. It's impossible to prove those things."


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