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Friday, May 11, 2012

Love Ultimately is a Decision (Not a Feeling) 

Bishop Morlino of Wisconsin recently wrote this to the people of his Diocese:
Your feelings do matter to me, and I do not take them lightly. However, our end goal should not be simply to restore good feelings. No, there is something greater than good feelings at stake, as good feelings come and go. Much deeper than feelings, what these priests have been sent to offer, is Jesus Christ, He who suffered with and like you, who died for you, and who has been raised to new life, so that you might have lasting joy, lasting hope, and lasting peace – eternal life. The reality of following Jesus is not at every moment full of good feelings; neither Jesus Himself, in His human nature, nor Mary, nor the Apostles were even granted that gift of freedom from painful emotions. By allowing ourselves, with openness, to enter into the mystery of His Church and His Sacraments we find that deep inner joy which passing emotions can’t eradicate.

We must make a choice to love another even when the feeling is not there.  I can't imagine Our Lord "feeling" good about the people who crucified Him.  But He did make a decision to love them when He said, "Forgive them Father they know not what they do." 

This is what the bishop was referring to.  We are called to be the type of Christians as indicated in the Gospel today.  Jesus commands us to love.  True love ultimately is a decision, no one can command a feeling.

We must decide to love people who hurt us, even family members.  A married couple may not always feel good about each other, but they work out problems for the sake of love. 

Making a decision to love is very healing.  It helps one to overcome personal hurts and resentments.  Rather than holding grudges and living in anger, one is set free from suffering when deciding to love and forgive.  It is very empowering.

A good way to prepare yourself for making a decision to love is through meditation.  Spend several minutes each day in stillness and silence.  Do not react to the negative and resentful thoughts.  Make a decision to let them go.  Allow the grace of Christ to fill you with his love and forgiveness, then extend it to others.  

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