"This means to grow towards the Glory to come and the beauty which is destined for us," noted a religious named Sister Emmanuel, who penned the book on Maria Simma, the mystic who saw souls.
"Each minute, we can still grow in love, but the souls in purgatory can no longer grow. Even the angels envy us this power we have to grow each minute in love while we are on earth. Each little act of love we offer to the Lord, each little sacrifice or fast, each little privation or battle against our tendencies, our faults, each little forgiveness of our enemies, all the things we can offer of this sort, will be later for us an ornament, a jewel, a real treasure for eternity.
"So let us seize every opportunity to be as beautiful as God desires us to be already in His prescience. If we saw in its full light the splendor of a pure soul, of a soul purified, then we would cry for joy and wonder, because of its beauty!
"A human soul is something of great splendor before God; this is why God desires us to be perfectly pure. It is not by being faultless in our ways that we will become pure. No, it is through our repentance of our sins, and our humility. You see, it's quite different! The saints are not 'faultless' souls, but those who get up again and again each time they fall, and ask forgiveness."
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