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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blessings Defeat Curses

A blessing means to "speak well of" another.  We encourage others when we bless them.  A curse is the opposite. 

The church liturgically gives blessings through the priest.  

Blessings themselves are not sacraments; they are not of Divine institution; they do not confer sanctifying grace; and they do not produce their effects in virtue of the rite itself. They are sacramentals and, as such, they are held to produce the following specific effects:
  • Excitation of pious emotions and affections of the heart and, by means of these, remission of venial sin and of the temporal punishment due to it
  • Freedom from power of evil spirits
  • Preservation and restoration of bodily health
  • Various other benefits, temporal or spiritual
All these effects are not necessarily inherent in any one blessing; some are caused by one formula, and others by another, nor are they infallibly produced. It depends altogether on the Church's suffrages that persons using the things blessed derive supernatural advantages. There is no reason to limit the miraculous interference of God to the early ages of the Church's history, and the Church never accepts these wonderful occurrences unless the evidence in support of their authenticity is absolutely unimpeachable.

A curse is an action that is done to harm another with the help of demons. There are specific curses to kill, to cause one to be possessed, to make things go bad in business, and to make someone sick, etc. …Curses are effective only if God allows them to have effect. The more one prays the more one will be protected against these things.

The following highly effective weapons if one believes he is the victim of a curse. One cannot go wrong with these!
  1. Pray the Rosary
  2. Read the Bible
  3. Speak with God every day
  4. Attend Mass frequently, even daily
  5. Place a blessed crucifix and an image of the Blessed Mother in one’s house.
  6. Make the sign of the cross with holy water daily.

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