Spiritual battle is a fight with the devil (and the self - me. We are our own worst enemies). Unlike other battles, the ultimate victory comes through surrender (to Christ).
The Preparation
From here to there I take no heedThrusting where my cravings lead
Assiduously plodding through the night
Equipping myself for daily fight
Without thought, concern nor tender care
Ambition drives me to lay bare
The splendor of a pear tree dove
Or purity of a child’s young love
With every passing day of gain
I scour the earth for more attain
Observing while the innocent flee
Endeavoring to fill the void in me
I readily climb the highest peak
Assurance I am unlike the meek
Willing to wage a full assault
Ambivalent to where might lay the fault
In endless quest for the more
I see the sign from serpent’s lore
Go out and ready for the take
One final conquest thou must make
A carpenter's son is this gent
Who for countless years is too far spent
He has captured many with his plea
Those who rightfully belong to me
The Battle
I took then my shield and my sword
To do the bidding of my lord
By land, by river, by hill, by sea
To crush this one from Galilee
But where is He from ancient day
Is it possible I've lost my way?
I will imperil those who bear His mark
While slithering further into the dark
Show yourself Galilean I bellow cry
Do you not know that it is I
Let us gird ourselves for the decisive clash
To the victor goes the spoils and ash
“It is Me” finally came a whisper to hardened heart’s door
The one you’ve always been searching for
Your heart beat My knock has ever been
Just waiting for you to let Me in
"Lay down your weapons I come in peace
Let your resentment finally cease
I have no anxiety for who might have won
My only victory is that you become a true son”
“You want me?” I queried with childlike sigh
The one who dwells on mountain most high
How is it possible for you to reconcile
With one who has spent a life most vile
The Surrender
“Let Me in and you will see
The transforming forgiveness that has been entrusted to Me
For you yourself I will take
A man in My image to remake”
"Let Me in” I heard again that hour
“I do not wish to take your power
It’s not a matter of toil and till
It’s only a matter of what you will”
“I am a man who goes to and fro
Tis too much anguish for me to let go
What you ask of me sounds of chide
How can a man expire his pride?”
“O man who sought the world to gain
You who now fear some pain
Accept the strength to you I gave
There are now new roads for us to pave”
“Let Me in I will change your heart
Yes suffering there will be your part
But a new, better man will emerge from the mist
For your old self then will cease to exist”
“Yes a new type of strength to capture” says I
“My greatest conquest then is to die
I will now no longer live for me
But for Him who has come to set me free”
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