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Friday, September 27, 2013


Pope Francis explained during his morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta that Christians are prone to falling into a state of 'spiritual well being' because the Church has many ways of helping people achieve salvation. He also praised those who really try to imitate Jesus, even during challenging times.  


“And that is the temptation of falling into a state of 'spiritual well being'. We've got everything: the Church, Jesus Christ, the Sacraments, the Virgin Mary: everything. A good job from the Kingdom of Heaven. We are good, all of us. At least we must believe this, otherwise it would be a sin! But 'spiritual well being' isn't enough. Like the parable of the young rich man: he wanted to follow Jesus, but only up to a certain point. To be a real Christian you must receive the last anointment: the cross anointment, the anointment of true humiliation. He humiliated himself to the point of death. Even death on a cross. That is the cornerstone, the proof of our Christian reality: Am I a 'well being' Christian or am I a Christian that walks with Jesus towards the cross? It consists on being able to endure every single humiliation.” 

The Pope said that the sign of a true Christian is the ability to endure every humiliationand to carry one's daily Cross with joy and patience.


“It was the Holy Spirit that touched Peter's heart and inspired him to say who Jesus was. 'You are Christ, the son of God... it's a mystery. Who can explain this?... But he said it himself. And if each and everyone of us, when we pray, look towards the tabernacle, and say to the Lord: 'You are Christ, the son of God on earth'...first we cannot say that by our own inspiration, it must be the Holy Spirit who inspire us, and second, be ready, because He will answer: 'It's true.' 

"And that is the temptation of falling into a state of 'spiritual well being'. We've got everything: the Church, Jesus Christ, the Sacraments, the Virgin Mary: everything. A good job from the Kingdom of Heaven. We are good, all of us. At least we must believe this, otherwise it would be a sin! But 'spiritual well being' isn't enough. Like the parable of the young rich man: he wanted to follow Jesus, but only up to a certain point. To be a real Christian you must receive the last anointment: the cross anointment, the anointment of true humiliation. He humiliated himself to the point of death. Even death on a cross. That is the cornerstone, the proof of our Christian reality: Am I a 'well being' Christian or am I a Christian that walks with Jesus towards the cross? It consists on being able to endure every single humiliation. 

The sign of a true Christian is his ability to withstand humiliations with joy and patience; and this is something we don't like... But there are many Christians that looking towards the Lord, they ask for more humiliations to be more like Him. This is the choice. Whether to be a Christian of well being -and you'll go to heaven, I'm sure you'll be saved- or a Christian close to Jesus, through His way.” 

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