We must be crucified with Christ so we can say with St. Paul, "Not I, but Christ lives in me!"
It is really a dying to pride. We all have our own opinions and want to do things our own way. This doesn't work. The true disciple is humble who will put on the mind of Christ (that is accept all His Church teaches).
The Holy Father (leader of Christ's Church) recently made this point in his Angelus:
What does all this say to us? It reminds us that God's logic is always “other”
with respect to our own, as God Himself revealed through the mouth of the
prophet Isaiah: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts / nor are your ways my
ways” (Is 55:8). For this reason, following the Lord requires of every person a
profound conversion, a change in his or her way of thinking and living, it
requires an opening of the heart to listen, in order to allow oneself to be
enlightened and interiorly transformed. A key point in which God and man are
different is pride: In God, there is no pride, because He is absolute fullness,
and is completely given to love and to give live; in us, on the other hand,
pride is deeply rooted and requires constant vigilance and purification. We, who
are little, desire to appear great, to be the first, while God, who is truly
great, does not fear to humble Himself and make Himself the last. The Virgin
Mary is perfectly “in tune” with God: Let us invoke her with confidence, that
she might teach us to faithfully follow Jesus along the way of love and
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