What is eternal life? Pope Benedict gives some interesting insight:
The term “eternal life” is intended to give a name to this known “unknown”. Inevitably it is an inadequate term that creates confusion. “Eternal”, in fact, suggests to us the idea of something interminable, and this frightens us; “life” makes us think of the life that we know and love and do not want to lose, even though very often it brings more toil than satisfaction, so that while on the one hand we desire it, on the other hand we do not want it.
Msgr. Charles Pope says that eternal life is to live forever with God. He ponders that it is not about length but fullness:
My own pondering and experience of the concept of eternal life is that ultimately eternal life is not about the length of life, it is about the fullness of life. To enter eternal life mean to become fully alive. For now we are not fully alive. We experience much of death in these lowly bodies of ours. However, most of us do get glimpses of eternal life and can experience aspects of it even now. For example, have you ever had a day when you had all the energy in the world. Not only did you feel energetic but your mind was sharp and your day was efficient and effective. Everything seemed to click and there was joy and contentment. Most of us have days like that from time to time but they don’t last. But it is a glimpse of what eternal life might be like multiplied by a factor of 10 Trillion.
Eternal life (or the fullness of life) begins now. We can experience it through the Sacraments specifically the Eucharist and Confession. Christ wants us to overcome evil and be at peace NOW. Catholics have been given the graces to do this.
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