What is love? Ultimately true love is rooted in Jesus. God is the source of love. Christians are called to love as God does, through sacrifice. It is only through giving of oneself totally and completely to another does love flourish.
We must allow God to love us first in order to truly love others. At times this is painful. Love hurts. God doesn't give us what we want but what we need, because He truly loves us. We need to accept with humility his prudential judgment.
In the Readings today Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him then says, "Follow me". To follow Jesus is to die to self. We suffer because of self-centeredness. When we feel sorry for ourselves we tend to blow our problems out of proportion (making "mountains out of mole hills"). If we love like Jesus on the other hand, and follow Him, then our problems are put into perspective. We must sacrifice ourselves for others. This means sometimes doing things for others we may not want to do.
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