My Blog List

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


The following is a blog post on Christ like manhood:

It is time for the generations of men to grow up. Before you get upset at that statement, consider the evidence of what has happened to our understanding of masculinity.
First, men are now conditioned to live in a state of permanent adolescence. They are not raised, coached, mentored, and taught to be men. They are just “guys”. Women don’t want to marry a “guy” then want a man.
Second, men are told that their masculine traits are merely culturally created and therefore should be shed or being a man is all about selfish conquering of desires.
These problems are highlighted in two articles below:
  1. Where Have the Good Men Gone? – The Wall Street Journal. A snip:
    Not so long ago, the average American man in his 20s had achieved most of the milestones of adulthood: a high-school diploma, financial independence, marriage and children. Today, most men in their 20s hang out in a novel sort of limbo, a hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance. This “pre-adulthood” has much to recommend it, especially for the college-educated. But it’s time to state what has become obvious to legions of frustrated young women: It doesn’t bring out the best in men.
  2. What Porn Does To A Relationship:
    What I would like for everyone to see is the devastating change brought to the marriage from pornography, from a woman’s viewpoint:
    Not only was I shocked when he told me, I was also hurt, confused, scared, betrayed and angry. I felt like my world had just been turned upside down; my safety and security were crumbling away. His confession was overwhelming.Within minutes, the foundation of our marriage was shaken. The trust we had built was destroyed. I no longer felt safe or loved. I was suddenly bombarded with lies—he doesn’t find me attractive; it’s my fault he strayed; I’m not beautiful; I’m not sexy; I am a horrible wife; I’m a failure; he is stuck with me; he doesn’t love me … these seemed to instantly go from ridiculous to quite possibly true.
The results are the emasculation of men. To emasculate means – “to deprive a man of his male strength, role, etc.” or “to make something weaker or less effective.” This is certainly the result of men who fail to understand and properly live out true masculinity.
The idea of the full-grown man living as an adolescent guy, who is only out for himself, isn’t masculinity but a betrayal of what a man is supposed to be. Furthermore, porn twists a man into believing that he is masculine by conquering women for his sexual gratification. It isn’t being manly at all. Think of a man that you look up to. I am not talking about a movie star, musician, or athlete. I mean someone who is a real example of humble virtue. Someone who is a true leader of others. They certainly aren’t the kind of man who looks at porn, can’t hold down a job due to bad habits, is selfish, or immature.
We need to stand up to this corruption of masculinity and really live out . To be a real man is just what I posted a several years back – it is to respect, protect, love, and serve.
We must live this true calling of being a man out, model it for others, teach it to our children, and challenge others to live it out. We cannot sit back and allow the culture which turns men into pleasure-seeking, bumbling, incompetent fools do it for us. They see men, fathers, and husbands as incapable of real virtue.
These issues are not only killing masculinity, they are also killing femininity. Because only when masculinity is truly lived properly will femininity flourish.
So, where do we start? We start with discovering what a masculine man is NOT:
  • an emasculated ninny.
  • a testosterone infused sack of passions.
  • going to turn away from a challenge, just because it is difficult.
A masculine man is this ->
  • A man who desperately seeks to follow in the footsteps of THE MAN.
  • He will be courageous in the face of danger.
  • He will fight for and maintain self control.
  • He will put to death his lusts.
  • He will be in control of his emotions and yet not afraid of them.
  • He will find himself in losing himself.
  • He is humble, but sure of the gifts God has given him.
  • He is gentle when he should be and rough when necessary.
  • He is a man of strength of character and his word means something.
  • He says I am sorry, thank you, and please.
  • He fulfills his promises.
  • He isn’t ashamed of his Lord or either of his mothers.
  • He holds open doors, looks people in the eye, and has confidence in himself.
  • He will put life in the proper order – 1 – God; 2 – His wife (if he has one); 3 – His children (if he has them) 4 – Others; 5 – Himself
A real man isn’t afraid of his masculine traits, but embraces them as a gift from God. He doesn’t abuse them, but understands the way to use them in service of God and others.
It is time we men resurrect true masculinity. It is time for men to grow up.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

eMANgelization II

Men need to be challenged to aspire to Catholic manhood.
In a world that is increasingly confused about what manhood and Catholicism mean, it is not surprising that many Catholic men see the need to be challenged with the truth of Catholic manhood. Unfortunately, men see few priests as decisively teaching men about Catholic manhood.
Men are hungry for priests to challenge them with the fullness of Catholic truth and to call them to the nobility and blessing of being committed Catholic men. With the rise of radical feminism, homosexuality, and gender fluidity theories, as well as the growing confusion about sex and the breakdown of families that has left many men without the guidance of fathers, men are seeking to understand better what Catholic manhood means. In a confused post-modern culture, men need to be challenged and called to be men. The Church has always been the source of heavenly leaven in broken cultures across time, and only Catholic men can lead our culture to new life in Jesus Christ and his Catholic Church.
Essential to the teaching the Faith is clarity about truth as fully revealed by Christ in his Catholic Church, particularly in the face of a relativistic culture that rejects the idea of “truth.” Men are hungry to be challenged with the truth, especially in regard to sexuality and the consequences of sin.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Christ accepted suffering like a true man should.  A priest should model his manhood after Christ. 

Priests who make it a priority to evangelize men have a significant impact on men’s faith lives: highly effective “emangelizing” priests lead their men to pray more, attend Mass and Confession more frequently and have more and deeper friendships with other faithful Catholic men. Men are ready and willing to follow the majority of today’s priests. Men want to be challenged to aspire to Catholic manhood, to learn and practice the basics of the faith and to be drawn into Catholic fraternity with other men.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Cooperation with Evil

Evil causes suffering, while avoiding it brings peace.  The following flow chart indicates whether one is cooperating with evil. 


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Self Deliverence

Are there certain people who drain you -- who cause a sudden loss of energy, who drag you down, who put something negative on you?
We all go through this -- and should make sure we're not the ones draining energy from others!
When we pray a lot, we unleash energy, instead of taking it from others; we give more than we receive. That's because what we receive comes from the Holy Spirit.
Why do some people cause a loss of energy?
It may be that they are negative. They could be depressed. They may be angry. They may be angry at you -- or at God. Most probably they are angry at themselves. They may wish you less than the best. They may have a spirit around them. When someone bears ill will toward us -- or is jealous -- this can cause depletion of our mental forces. We're on edge. It's an effort to be around them. Quickly should we pray for any such person -- authentically love them ("bless those who curse") -- and head for the refreshment of our "inner sanctuaries": the deepest regions of our souls for the most direct communication with Jesus (if you don't have one, build one; here is your fortress).
When Jesus Christ, Son of God, Redeemer of the World, is standing in our midst -- when we specifically invite Him, when we request a personal relationship, a new closeness -- the curse is reversed; it doesn't matter what others think of us.
Negative, critical, lazy. This causes folks to become spiritual parasites. We are also drained from the battle that transpires in our minds. This struggle goes on the entire time we're on earth. "Demons have a desire for us," notes K. A. Schneider in a splendid new book, Self Deliverance: How to Gain Victory Over the Powers of Darkness, which even those experienced in deliverance will find valuable. "Demons look ceaselessly for somebody to torment. If we miss the fact that demons will interject their own ideas into our brains, if we assume that their lives are their own, then we will take ownership of those thoughts. We will let the demons and their lies fill our heads, and we will walk in defeat."
This is why, says Schneider, that we must monitor our every thought. Too many forget that Satan can intrude into our consciousness. Suppose you are gaining victory over a certain fear. You're doing fine and then a thought comes winging in and if you let it take root, it digs deep fast, so that soon you are back to a cycle of fearing something. How Satan -- as tormentor -- loves this! How it drains us!
The key, notes Schneider, is to reject the thought immediately -- not to hover over it for a moment: if it is a thought of lust, not to "enjoy" it even briefly; if it is a thought of anger, giving it not a second thought. If it is envy, wiping it away instantly. Instead of "owning" it, speak the positive. Declare your freedom. Note the simple fact that Jesus is more powerful in every circumstance than Satan. When you make progress in this and the devil shifts tactics, be ready for it. Be ready for new mental games. Be vigilant as Scripture says, for he is a "roaring lion, seeking to devour."
Once you have trained yourself to reject his lies, and recognize it when a demon speaks thoughts into your head (which he does with everyone, sinner or saint, on a constant basis), command the spirit to leave you alone and fill your thoughts with the pure, the holy, and the positive. Say, "I reject you Satan, in the Name of Jesus, get out of my thoughts." Memorize that line. Say it frequently -- even if it's just something like the temptation ("Oh, it's all right this time") to eat what you shouldn't.
This brings peace because peace arrives when the enemy is gone and it explains why Jesus could be both "Prince of Peace" and a "Man of war," battling evil. Peace only comes (and inner strength -- energy -- only builds up) when we have banished the enemy, who drains like nothing else.
"Self-deliverance is not like waving a magic wand," writes Schneider in the book. "It is not something that is taken care of once and for all because someone drove a spirit off you. That can happen, but that is not the general model. Rather, we move step by step into a new place in the spiritual realm that the Lord opens for us, as we continue to fight and ascend in the heavenlies. We have to do warfare; we have to keep on fighting to maintain deliverance." It is a lifelong battle. It will go on the rest of your days. "Fight the good fight." Don't be deceived into defeat. Deliver thyself.
As Schneider notes, thoughts of "self-condemnation, self-rejection, hatred toward somebody, accusation toward somebody, fear or pride" can all be sent by evil spirits. Recognize this and take action. When the mind is clear the spirit is free. The action is simple. "I reject you Satan, in the Name of Jesus, get out of my thoughts."